How to Install Node.Js on Windows

Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that allows you to build scalable applications. If you want to harness its capabilities on your Windows machine, follow these steps:

1. Download Node.js:

Go to the official Node.js website and download the Windows installer. Choose the LTS version for a stable release or the current version for the latest features.

2. Run the Installer:

Once the download is complete, run the installer. Follow the installation wizard’s instructions and make sure to add Node.js to your system PATH.

3. Verify Installation:

Open a command prompt and type node -v. This command will display the installed Node.js version. Additionally, you can type npm -v to check the npm version.

4. Write Your First Node.js Application:

Now that Node.js is installed, you can start building applications. Create a new file with a .js extension, write your Node.js code, and run it using the command prompt.

5. Install Global Packages:

You can use npm to install global packages that provide additional functionalities. For example, you can install nodemon for automatic server restarts.

With these steps, you have successfully installed Node.js on your Windows machine. Start exploring the world of server-side JavaScript with Node.js!